Varied and healthy meals: A snack or a hot meal is provided depending on the flight duration.

World cuisine : Moroccan, african and international cuisine to satisfy all tastes.

Royal Air Maroc serves on short haul flights lasting from one hour and half to two hours and forty-five minutes, cold sandwich snacks with protein base and a dairy. On medium haul flights, three choice of hot dishes including a vegetarian choice, dessert, cheese portion and chocolate. A starter is offered depending on the duration of the flight. On some African routes, a dish of African origin is served.
On long-haul flights, a hot meal and a snack (or breakfast) are offered.
A selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages is served to accompany the meal. At the end of the meal, our cabin crew will serve your coffe and green mint tea.
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Se tiver requisitos especiais, não hesite em informar-nos aquando da sua reserva, de modo a que possamos preparar refeições equilibradas de acordo com as suas necessidades e gostos, respeitando as suas crenças religiosas, as suas necessidades médicas ou preferências alimentares. Estas refeições apenas estão disponíveis em voos operados pela Royal Air Maroc. Oferecemos uma grande variedade de refeições: